3M™ Study on the Effectiveness of Vehicle Wraps

There is an industry norm to estimate fleet advertising impressions by calculating the number of miles driven per vehicle per day by the type of road. Imagine adding demographics as a dimension. What do you get? Vastly improved measurement capabilities, proof of performance and the ability to target your campaign. 3M™ measured the advertising effectiveness of fleet graphics for Cadbury-Schweppes Company using GPS units to track 10 Snapple® trucks through two major metropolitan areas.

The three-month study correlated truck routes against zip codes and demographic data to deliver the most accurate measurements of message effectiveness, to date.

Advertising Medium Cost per thousand (CPM)* Cost of Equivalent DEC
Television $23.70 $1,445,700
Magazine $21.46 $1,309,060
Newspaper $19.70 $1,201,700
Prime-time television $18.15 $1,107,150
Radio $7.75 $472,750
Outdoor $3.56 $217,160
Fleet graphics
(Average, annualized)**
$0.48 $30,000
*Based on 61 million Prime DEC annually; average of top 40 media market from Media Buyers Guide.
**Based on cost of test trucks.


Key Findings:

  • Fleet graphics generate a large number of impressions–in this study, an average of 6 million Prime Daily Effective Circulation (DEC) per truck, annualized.
  • Mobile media advertising offers the lowest cost-per-impression of any major advertising medium.
  • Routes and messages can be optimized to target specific demographic groups.
  • Fleet graphics add a valuable dimension to the advertising marketing mix.


VehicleWrapr admin
Author: VehicleWrapr admin

Just an admin!