We’re happy to announce that after burning some midnight oil, we’ve launched a new feature for our Affiliate Members (for Wrap Shops) that can help you turn your traffic into potential customers with mockups already made and waiting in your inbox!
A Button for Each Shop Location
Each button is unique for each CCW affiliate account, so that users that click the button from your site will be able to create a wrap design with your shop already selected!
The Design-a-Wrap buttons are generated from within your affiliate dashboard (shown above) where you can find the code to copy & paste to your own website(s)
Pro Tip – for accounts with multiple shops, the button code is different for each location, so be sure to press “Select Shop” on each wrap shop before copying & pasting!
Button is Available for Both Premium & Free Accounts
For Free members, the users will land on the “Find a Wrap Shop” page with your shop listing moved to the top of the list, highlighted, and already selected! All they have to do is press “Get Quote” to connect their design with your inbox instantly. For premium members, the user will skip this step entirely sending the design straight to your inbox as soon as it’s completed.
High Conversion Ratios
The button offers a new conversion path for any existing website that could generate more business online. The Vehicle Wrapr “design your own wrap” UX has already shown to convert steadily over 5%! This means that at our current rate, you’re shop could get a new lead for every 1 out of 20 visitors! This is a great conversion ratio much higher than normal websites typically get, and it’s attributed entirely to the easy, fun, design experience. And it’s going up.
Convenient Visual Communication is Great for Shops and Their Customers
This is great for both wrap shops and their customers, as the customers now have a fun way to design their own wrap ideas easily online, and wrap shops can offer this unique interactive design experience from their own websites where users may have normally come and gone without anything to get hands-on with. A picture is worth a million words, making these quick mockups a streamlined way for a customer to communicate what they’re design ideas are.
Get Your Free Button in Minutes, No Catch!
If you’ve got a affiliate account already, just log in and head to your shop’s dashboard to get the free code! If you don’t have an affiliate account yet, just sign up and then go grab your button!
Free Installation Help
If you need webmaster assistance getting the button onto your web page, please contact us or One Giant Media who has agreed to install these buttons for our affiliate users for free for a limited time!
One Giant Media – Free Website Assistance for Affiliates!
Feedback Welcome 🙂
Feedback is always welcome. Feel free to contact us with your thoughts on how we could improve these services for you and your business.