Car wraps market your business 24/7. According to a recent national transportation association report, a car wrap can easily be seen by as many as 50,000 people each and every day. Over the life of the car wrap, the cost per impression in relation to the original cost of the wrap simply cannot be bested by any other form of advertising media.

Does the wrap damage the paint job?

No, the vinyl used these days will come off just fine, even after a couple of years and will actually protect your factory paint job. UV rays will fade your paint but your vinyl wrap will protect your paint from fading. Take caution, however, if you’ve had a custom paint job or a back-yard, brother-in-law touch-up because the adhesive that holds the vinyl will tend to grab that paint and pull it off in spots. Factory paint will actualy benefit from the wrap vinyl in that your vehicle’s resale value will be higher since your paint will remain bright and sharp!

What about my design?

Many industry leading wrap shops use templated artwork, making simple modifications in order to move the production process out of the design phase as quickly as possible. You can have any design you want as long as it’s one of those templates with only very minor modifications allowed. Doing so helps them keep their costs down and make more money. All businesses should have an eye, both eyes, on maximizing their bottom line, just recognize that it may come at the expense of creative options when it comes to getting what you want. That’s what makes it so effective to use Vehicle Wrapr, you decide what you want the wrap to look like and the shop(s) you choose from the list in your area will have to work out the details with you and be competitive in price.

Before you sign anything, look at what some competitors have to offer. A designer’s overal portfolio will give you a really good preview of how good these guys are. One of the “bad wraps” the designer world has working against it is the fact that they are known to promise what you’ve asked for, but design what they really like. Most wrap shops are reputable but if you talk to a few of the shop’s past clientele, that’ll go a long way towards helping you make a right decision. Your vision of what it should be, you provided them with the overall design you want, it is their job to make it work on your vehicle.

Is the vinyl really that good?

Yes, it is. A wide variety of everyday vinyls have been developed for car wraps, in the past twenty years. There is variety of specialty vinyls available for different types of vehicles, applications and surfaces. There was a time when “3M” was King because of their quality and they deserved it. Vinyl competitors such as Oracal, Avery and some others have managed to match or beat 3M quality in many instances. Now they’re King because of 15 years of good marketing and branding. Car wrap prospects know the 3M name from years of good marketing and assume that it must be good. The market is now offering equivalent or even better quality vinyls than 3M and, the icing on the cake, better warranties and lower overall costs. There’s more than one brand of vinyl and we suggest you find a shop that can help you select the right vinyl as opposed to selecting just a brand. Check the about warp materials page on Vehicle Wrapr for more information about the various vinyls and manufacturers.


VehicleWrapr admin
Author: VehicleWrapr admin

Just an admin!